Difficult people are everywhere
- Their numbers are small but their impact is large
- Habitual behavior that affects most of the people with who they come in contact
- Frustrate and demoralize Loss of productivity and absenteeism
- Companies lose customers or clients
When people encounter a difficult person they think they have done something to provoke the person or did something wrong----that is not the case. It is the difficult person who is not interacting in a businesslike manner and is disruptive
What do you do when you encounter a difficult person
The presentation gives you action steps and processes that work
- Analyze your reaction – what do you have control over
- What makes it difficult for you?
- What is the problem from your perspective?
- Strategies and steps to manage and handle the situation
- Business communication and styles
- Learn how to identify a difficult boss
- Common Mistakes people make with difficult bosses
- Ways to be Manage the difficult boss
- Steps to handle the different types of difficult people
- Identify the different types of difficult people
- Leaders
- managers
- individual contributors
- high potentials
- baby boomers
- etc.
When people encounter a difficult person they think they have done something to provoke the person or did something wrong----that is not the case. It is the difficult person who is not interacting in a businesslike manner and is disruptive
What do you do when you encounter a difficult person
The presentation gives you action steps and processes that work
- Analyze your reaction – what do you have control over
- What makes it difficult for you?
- What is the problem from your perspective?
- Strategies and steps to manage and handle the situation
- Business communication and styles
- Learn how to identify a difficult boss
- Common Mistakes people make with difficult bosses
- Ways to be Manage the difficult boss
- Steps to handle the different types of difficult people
- Identify the different types of difficult people
- Leaders
- managers
- individual contributors
- high potentials
- baby boomers
- etc.
Speaker Profile

Valerie successfully coaches leaders in corporations and business owners in mid to small-sized companies. Her coaching focus is on key skills that improve leadership effectiveness: Executive Presence, Leading Change, Strategic Business Thinking, and communication skills.Valerie was featured in Dallas Business Journal: “Two Minutes with Leadership Guru”. Her clients agree that working with her they obtained their results and "more"; as one client said: she positively impacted my career and business decisions. She gained her 20+ years of expertise as a leader at Fortune 100 companies including AT&T and HP. Her depth of business acumen enriches her executive coaching approach; provides a …
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